developing Digital delight


Visitor Volume

Across our vast range of servers and websites, we incur traffic of up to 500K unique visitors annually.


Transactional Value

Our e-commerce transactional volume running on our dedicated cloud architecture, annually.


System Uptime / Response

Using reliable data centres and architecture with a total 0.625% average downtime.

Our Services

We provide a variety of full 360° cloud solution services for your business.


E-commerce Development

Full 360° view of your e-commerce business, from development and transacting to customer management and support.


Websites Development

Building a professional, scalable and reliable online presence with a dedicated hosted website that can handle large amounts of traffic with low latency.


WhatsApp Bots

Redefine your customer service strategy by leveraging our official WhatsApp Business integration to serve your customers, wherever they are.


Cloud-Based Call Centre (PBX)

Make it easy for your agents or staff to provide exceptional voice service with an intuitive, all-in-one cloud-based contact center solution.


Helpdesk Ticketing

Multi-channel ticketing, provide intuitive customer portals, deliver faster resolutions with contextual insights and make support easy for agents, and customers.


Chatbots powered by AI

Deploy AI-powered chatbots to help customers resolve their questions fast – from information to transactional, regardless of the channel they’re on.


Customer Management

Get a complete view of your customer’s interactions to deliver personalized experiences. Leverage data to drive revenue.


Marketing Automation

Personalize messages with simple and powerful marketing automation. Send the right message at the right time to convert more leads.


Secure Global Payments

Let your customers pay wherever and however they prefer. Work with our providers to accept, process, and settle payments.


Consent Management (CMP)

Build trust with your website users while living up to current data protection legislations and avoid potential non-compliance fines.


Content Delivery Network

Go faster than the fastest with the next-generation CDN, edge storage, and optimization service. Leverage by using our superfast global network.


Short Messaging Service (SMS)

Notify, promote, and interact with your customers via an SMS communication channel from one convenient platform instantly.


High Speed Fibre

With fibre-fast connectivity, you can quickly send and receive large files, access video conferencing, and make the most of cloud-based services.


LTE 3/4/5G

LTE wireless internet gets you connected to Fibre-like speeds without waiting for a fixed-line to be installed. Hassle-free install, with no wait.


Uncapped Voice

A call solution that works for your business. Uncapped voice is scalable, provides great quality calls and is compatible with the modern age of technology.


Apollo DNS

Apollo DNS extremely fits businesses that manage many websites with loads of traffic and high-redundancy needs. Features include DNS Failover, etc.


SSL Security

High-assurance, zero-compromise SSL/TLS with comprehensive website security features far beyond encryption. Get Validated Once.



TrustedSite helps improve customer confidence and increases sales by building and solidifying trust with your users. In fact, sites typically see a 3-30% sales increase.

About Us

We're addicted to caffeine and the cloud.

Born from retail and designed for business owners, Ciberbuy provides a full 360° view of your business in the cloud, from development and transacting to customer management and support. Enabling you to focus on what matters, to attract more customers and drive more sales – on a fast and flexible cloud infrastructure.

Providing reliable cloud computing services in 4 continents and 7 different countries.